FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION (FAA)EES supports the Federal Aviation Administration's Mission Critical and Mission Support programs for over 30 years. EES has been instrumental in supporting the evolution of National Airspace Systems. EES is currently leads programs that are securing the NAS and paving the way for the FAA's vision of an Info-Centric NAS.
Enterprise Engineering Services provides specialized security expertise and services to National Airspace System (NAS) program owners for the tactical implementation of the Air Traffic Organization (ATO) strategic ISS vision, plans, and policies to ensure the cyber security of the NAS and NAS mission support systems and their data without jeopardizing the integrity of the NAS. EES provides direct support to NAS Information System Security Engineering (NISSE) in assisting program owners with a variety of remediation tasks and participates in various elements of their Security Certification and Accreditation Process (SCAP) efforts. EES provides support for the development of cost estimates for the implementation of security solutions in existing and future NAS systems with the objective of enhanced decision-making. EES determines the feasibility of inserting security solutions with the objective of eliminating potential impact on safety, confidentiality, availability, and integrity in existing and future NAS systems, including the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). EES facilitates collaboration and communication between stakeholders within the FAA and external entities, including other federal agencies and industry partners with the objective of encouraging systems owners to participate in prototype testing of enterprise security solutions.
Security Domain Support:
EES provides broad-based IT management support to the FAA’s IT Infrastructure Division in support of the FAA’s Flight Plan objectives to control costs and improve the agency’s capability to make data-driven decisions related to IT. This support includes the development of quantitative/qualitative performance measurements, data analysis, rapid prototyping, testing, and technical support coordination. EES’ development of an accounting and vendor performance database for Strategic Sourcing for the Acquisition of Various Equipment and Supplies (SAVES) resulted in $42M cost savings in the last fiscal year.
Task Areas:
EES serves as a fully engaged partner to Northrop Grumman on FAA’s Aeronautical Information Management Modernization (AIMM) Segment 2 Program. EES provides broad-based Information System Security and 24 x 7 x 365 Help Desk support. AIMM is an essential building block of the architecture of the 21st century National Airspace System (NAS). AIMM supports the FAA safety mission and Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) objectives by developing automation and information systems and services to address future air traffic requirements and providing aviation users with digital information that conforms to international standards. AIMM provides the infrastructure that allows for an enterprise-based approach for Aeronautical Information processing and dissemination via a centralized FAA Cloud Service, thereby reducing future infrastructure costs in the NAS.
EES provides direct engineering and mission support to the National Airway System Engineering Group and functionally-related Groups; including National Level Program Support for the Acquisition, Deployment, Field Support, Documentation, and Modification of major systems and equipment to support the National Airspace System (NAS).
We provided national software, hardware, technical documentation, scientific and direct engineering support for operational NAS equipment. We also supported surveillance, navigation, and infrastructure facilities to ensure safe, reliable, and efficient operations. As part of the FAA NAS-E group we assisted in providing engineering support at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center (MMAC) in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma as well as to the FAA’s NAS which included work in all 50 states plus U.S. territories. |
Domain Support:
EES provides direct support to various FAA Second-Level Maintenance Support Organizations in their mission to field and maintain Air Traffic Control automation equipment and related systems. This include Terminal, Communication - Flight Services and Weather Engineering, National Airways System Engineering, Information Systems Security, Administrative Computer Systems, and Business Operations.
Some engineering support being provided under this contract included development, problem diagnosis, and maintenance of legacy software systems by solving Program Trouble Reports (PTRs) and Configuration Control Decisions (CCDs); maintaining technical handbooks and technical support documentation; analyzing hardware, software and systems for the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL); developing and installing modifications to electronics equipment; developing, implementing, and documenting system shakedown testing; establishing, optimizing, and restoring field facilities and facsimiles; and maintaining and operating an automated Management Information System. |
Domain Support:
EES provides system engineering, software development, programming, administration, maintenance and support of databases key to the research efforts of the ARTD Branch. These research areas include aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) systems and technologies, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) technologies, airport visual guidance systems and technologies, surface friction testing technologies, airport wildlife mitigation, airport design, airport pavement performance and design, and research efforts as assigned by FAA sponsors in Washington. EES, a leader in system engineering, information systems security and Unmanned Aircraft Systems is proud to support the FAA ARTD on this effort.
EES has an in-depth understanding of the DEA’s data, application, and technology architectures. EES is recognized in systems development and systems integration with DEA domain knowledge and DEA application expertise. EES has supported the DEA on the Unified Oracle Application (UOA) Operations and Maintenance and Enhancement Support program for the DEA Oracle applications enhancements capabilities, development of new and revised applications, coordination of deploying applications, assisting Field Information Resource Specialists (FIRS) in setting up and maintaining applications and associated peripherals, and configuring the hardware for these applications.
EES provided broad-based Operations and Maintenance support related to medical record access for the Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) located at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. AFRC enabled access to the Electronic Health Record (EHR) via the Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application (AHLTA). AHLTA is a Department of Defense system that is interoperable, globally-accessible, protected, and always available EHR for Uniformed Service members. AHLTA gives healthcare providers access to data about beneficiaries’ conditions, prescriptions, diagnostic tests and additional information essential to providing quality care. AHLTA leverages advanced technology, ensuring healthcare providers have instant access to patients’ medical information.
EES supported Amtrak’s server operations that are considered to be part of the Midrange environment, the majority of which were Wintel (a portmanteau partnership of Microsoft Windows and Intel), or Oracle Solaris, a larger devoted to Citrix and infrastructure use. EES supported the increased deployments of Thin-Client/Server-Based Technologies for Citrix deployments. EES provided support for Outlook Web Access (OWA) access via Citrix as well as Microsoft SharePoint and Enterprise Project Management (EPM) support. EES provided greater Citrix support availability to the Amtrak community, deploying Server-Based Computing (Thin-Client), supporting 1,500 concurrent users and expanding the use of thin-client technologies to remote offices. EES also provided asset management support for Amtrak's PC Refresh Program.